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Haven Song

A Blue Star Coven & Grove

Home: Welcome


We hold open rituals for all eight sabbats of the Wiccan calendar, and are often taking new students to learn our Tradition and join the Grove.


Open rituals held at each quarter (the solstices and equinoxes) and cross quarter on the wheel of the year.


Ritual or class is held for Grove and Coven members at each full and new moon.

Other Services

Haven Song initiates are available on a case by case basis to perform hand fastings, funeral rites, baby blessings, and other rites of passage.

Home: Join Us


Haven Song Coven and Grove is a religious community working in the tradition of Blue Star Wicca.  We strive to create a space that is welcoming to all, and which extends beyond the confines of our ritual circle.

Although Wicca has historically been very focused on heteronormative and binary concepts of gender and sexuality, like most modern practitioners of Blue Star, Haven Song continues to expunge those old fashioned and concepts and practices.  While you may sometimes hear terms like "priest" and "priestess" used, we firmly believe that the roles of ritual officiants are jobs, unrelated to the gender, sex, or sexuality of the body doing the work.  As jobs, we hold that the person selected should be the best qualified (whatever that means at the time) for the position, regardless of their gender or sexuality.

Home: About
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