Join Us
Grove Membership
We are currently considering new students to learn our Tradition and join the Grove. Keep reading to learn more about our practice and for information on how to join us in 2025!
We host eight (8) Sabbat Rituals each year, held at each quarter (the solstices and equinoxes) and cross-quarter on the Wheel of the Year.
These include Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lughnasadh, Mabon, Samhain, and Yule. Not all of our Sabbats are open to the public; you may email us to learn more (HavenSongCoven[at]gmail[dot]com).
Ritual or class is held for Grove and Coven members at each full and new moon, typically twice a month.
Community Services
Haven Song initiates are available on a case by case basis to perform hand fastings, funeral rites, baby blessings, and other rites of passage.
Meet Us
Drop us a line via email at HavenSongCoven[at]gmail[dot]com, and we'll schedule a time and place to meet. Since most of our rituals are held in private homes, we generally first meet potential attendees in public over tea or coffee, for the sake of everyone's comfort and safety.
Attend a Sabbat
Assuming all goes well at our initial meeting, you'll be invited to join us for a sabbat ritual. We'll provide you with a short document outlining rank entitlements to avoid, guidelines for feast contributions, and everything else you need to know before ritual.
Find a Teacher
If you are interested in studying Blue Star Wicca and joining the Grove after attending at least one ritual with us, we encourage you to talk to one of our Initiates. As a Seeker formally attached to the Grove, you'll be expected to attend all Haven Song esbats and sabbats. Your teacher will help guide you, and prepare you for dedication and any other rites of passage you may take within Blue Star.